
Full Papers

Usability-Oriented Design of Liquid Types for Java
Catarina Gamboa, Paulo Canelas, Christopher Timperley, Alcides Fonseca
ICSE 2023 - IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), CORE A*.
Paper Github Poster Artifact

Short Papers and Others

Latte: Lightweight Aliasing Tracking for Java
Conrad Zimmerman, Catarina Gamboa, Alcides Fonseca, Jonathan Aldrich
HATRA'23 - International workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities and Ownership, and International Workshop on Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants
Paper Video HATRA Video IWACO

Understandable and Useful Error Messages for Liquid Types
Alcides Fonseca, Catarina Gamboa, João David, Guilherme Espada, Paulo Canelas
WITS'22 - Workshop on the Implementation of Type Systems 2022, co-located with POPL'22

User-driven design and evaluation of Liquid Types in Java
Catarina Gamboa, Paulo Santos, Christopher S. Timperley, and Alcides Fonseca
HATRA'21 - Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants Workshop, co-located with SPLASH'21.
ArXiv Paper

Extending Java with Refinements
Catarina Gamboa, Paulo Santos, Christopher S. Timperley, and Alcides Fonseca
PSSV'20 - Program Semantics, Specification and Verification: Theory and Applications, Student Paper
Slide Deck Video

Master Thesis: Extending Java with Refinements
Catarina Gamboa
University of Lisbon

Posters and Demos

Both poster sessions and demos can be a great way to promote our work in different ways. Poster sessions provide a informal setting for discussing projects and details of papers, and demos can give more visibility to the solutions created in the publications.

Invited Talks

Guest Lecture - Quality Assurance, Fall 2024
Carnegie Mellon University
Chris Timperley invited me to talk about static analysis, liquid types and LiquidJava to the students of the Masters in Software Engineering enrolled in the course of Quality Assurance. The class had around 50 very participative students, and we discussed the benefits of using static analysis instead of runtime testing, as well as using lightweight verification techniques versus full formal methods techniques (e.g., model checking).

Guest Talk - Secure Coding (14735), Fall 2022
Carnegie Mellon University
I was invited by Hanan Hibshi to give a talk about LiquidJava in the course Secure Coding, 14735, Fall 2022.

Science Communication and the Media
LASIGE, FCUL, University of Lisbon
Presentation about the importance of Science Communication to broad audiences using media resources. Short version presented at the 1st LASIGE FORUM and a full-version presented in Talks@LASIGE.